Rapperswil Christmas Market
We went to the gorgeous Rapperswil Christmas Market this weekend. Set along the shore of Lake Zürich amongst the most gorgeous tree lined promenade, the Christmas Market winds its way from the promenade up to the gorgeous Rapperswil Castle (built in 1222!) high on a hill. Rapperswil is a gorgeous day trip from Zürich at any time of the year, but the Christmas Market is extra special in this beautiful lakeside town. We always buy the candied almonds to snack on when we get to a Christmas Market. Then we find lunch. We saw different Christmas stalls in Rapperswil than we saw at the other Swiss markets this year. There were the apple donuts, the Gluhwein, the raclette, and the sausages, but there was also spiked eggnog, cupcakes, loads of wooden sculptures, and many booths with crystals and angels.My girls were entranced by all the crystals. Hadley bought a dream catcher with her pocket money and Heike picked out a crystal with hers. One of my favorite things about parenting is thinking I know everything about my girls, and then being surprised by what they fall in love with. Heike hasn’t taken her crystal necklace off since the market. And she’s bringing it to Zeigitag (Show and Tell) this week.
The girls and André had bratwurst and I had the most gorgeous raclette for lunch. They served mine with mountain potatoes they called them. They looked much more colorful than regular raclette potatoes. And seriously, the pickle was out of this world. I seem to only find the super tiny ones in the grocery stores here, but this was almost a normal sized one. I should have asked where they got their pickles…The Rapperswil Christchindlimart runs December 9th-18th, 2016. Rapperswil is super easy to get to from Zürich either by the beautiful boat ride from the Burkliplatz to Rapperswil or by train.Do you have a favorite Christmas market this year or a favorite thing to buy at the markets? We are always looking for fun and new things to try.
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