My Four Month Old
How is our third baby four months old already? I can really feel how quickly time is passing by and it makes me so emotional. My two girls help so much with Liam. And he is just growing like a weed. Time either needs to slow down or I need 100 more babies. Or, I need to slow down, put down my phone, and enjoy every moment of this journey. Before I know it, these babies of mine will be all grown up. And it’s all happening too fast.
Liam is now doing a full belly laugh if I tickle his torso and armpits. I love his little laugh. And the big gasp and laugh he gives the girls. And his smile is absolutely everything. I love seeing his sweet smile when he wakes up from a nap or first thing in the morning. He makes serious eye contact and has since he was born. And he sleeps like a champ from around 6pm-6am each night.
Traveling with a baby, for us, has been the easiest stage to travel. My 8 and 6 year old are also very easy to travel with now. I only found 18 months to be a tricky age to travel with our kids. But that’s no reason to stop exploring. Liam will travel to his 3rd and 4th countries in his fourth month. So he will have been to UAE, Oman, England, and Portugal. Four countries for a 4 month old. Probably more countries than I had been to at his age. But he has some work to do to catch up to his sister’s travel adventures.
My travel tips
We went for his 4 month check up and they took his height and weight. He is not breaking any records in either category. I was surprised as he is looking so big to me! He weighs 6.5 kg (14 lbs) and is 60 cm in length. Our pediatrician said that we could start giving him food now or wait until 6 months. With the girls we waited until 6 months so I think we will aim for that again.
He got his second round of vaccines at this check up. Two shots, one in each thigh. I don’t remember the girls reacting to vaccines. But he cries for a few hours afterwards. I was prepared with a bottle and his pacifier at the appointment to give him during and after his shots. He drank the bottle and seemed fine, but when I got him home he was screaming. So I gave him a suppository (ouch!) of infant dafalgan (only the second suppository I have ever seen in my life, the first one was for his 2 month vaccine). Hopefully, like the 2 month vaccines, he will be back to his normal happy self after 3-4 hours.